A Design Magazine

A Design Magazine

A Design Magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Battle For Sevastopol

The movie isn’t about a war. It’s about people at war. And frankly, all the movie is trying to say is that war is a bad thing! The director of main titles was looking for something that would unite all of these people, both survivors and fallen. It has to be something in tune with those times. And here he finds it. It’s the victory. At what specific moment every single character experiences his or her own victory? What are those characters doing at that moment? What do they look like? It is crucially important to express this feeling through the position, emotion and shape of a figure itself.

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Improbable Journey

The Collection is about expressing the diversity of a metropolitan by handmade textiles (hand-felted wool and hand interlacing technique) and innovative silhouette. Transforming different 3D shapes of the architectures in the city into the outfit's silhouette is the main design direction to show the abstract idea of the fusion of the architecture and multi-culture of a metropolitan.

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Svalbardi is harvested from icebergs freshly calved off glaciers in the remote Polar region of the Svalbard archipelago, 1000 kilometres from the North Pole. The pristine ice, up to four thousand years old, melts into water so pure it is almost mineral free. The design had to convey the unique source and purity of the water. Keeping the graphics to the minimum allows the bottle and water to evoke the stillness and beauty of this Arctic landscape. The addition of a gift tube is unusual in the bottled water market and singles out Svalbardi as a unique purchase.

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OLI, a visually minimalist object, was conceived based on its function, the idea of hiding the pits arising from a specific need. It followed observations of various situations, the ugliness of the pits and the need to enhance the beauty of the olive. As a dual-purpose packaging, Oli was created so that once opened it would emphasize the surprise factor. The designer was inspired by the shape of the olive and its simplicity. The choice of porcelain has to do with the value of the material itself and its usability.

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Ideal for parents with young children, LockBlock provides the perfect solution for safely storing kitchen knives. The innovative design locks knives inside the block and requires an adult-sized hand to operate it. As each knife is placed inside a knife slot, its blade is held securely by the unique Cam-lock mechanism. Pulling on the knife only increases the force of the grip, so knives cannot be forced out of the block. LockBlock is available as a stand-alone product with universal knife slots for consumer’s existing knives, or with its own set of six high-quality knives.

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One Main

One Main is an office refurbishment that relentlessly deploys numeric command machining of sustainable plywood to evidence the versatility and efficiency available via CAD-CAM design-build processes. The project displaces the combinatorial logic of ready-made components typical of late-industrial process for a seamless and non-standard protocol of customized fabrication. A formal aesthetic emerges from these processes, imbuing the design with a curvilinear continuity at a detail and spatial level.

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