A Design Magazine

A Design Magazine

A Design Magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


calendar 2013 “Town”

The Town is a paper craft kit with parts that can be freely assembled into a calendar. Put together buildings in different forms and enjoy creating your very own little town. Life with Design: Quality designs have the power to modify space and transform the minds of its users. They offer comfort of seeing, holding and using. They are imbued with lightness and an element of surprise, enriching space. Our original products are designed using the concept of “Life with Design”.

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This lamp float in the air thanks to the attractive power of two magnent. The lamp lighting come with a surreal shape exagerated by the quite magic sistem that allows the lamp to float. The lamp shape comes from the desire to have the best performance about lightness and distance between the two magnets. Every details is drawn to emphatize the floating effect without loosing the first function as a lamp.

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The Float

We design architecture ,interior and landscape in this project. The case is a “Realestate Agency”, the name of the realestate is [Sky villa], so conceive the the concept with thus case name as starting point. And the project is located in Xiamen downtown, the conditions around the base are unfavorable, there are old apartments and construction site, opposite is a school, no landscape surrounded. In the end, with the concept of [Float], pull the sales center to a height of 2F, and create own landscape, a stack- level pool, so the sales center likes floating in the water, and the visitors go across large acreage of pond, and across the ground floor of sales office, walk to the back stairs and go up to sales hall. The construction is steel structure, building design and interior design seek the integration and unity in technique.

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good morning original calendar 2012 “Farm”

Farm is a kitset paper animal calendar. Fully assembled it makes a delightful miniature farm complete with six different animals.

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It's a frameless design collection with different design solutions in variable sizes with glass element. Elegance created with the transparency of glass continues through with the grace of metal finishes encircling the display in big sizes. Without the accustomed plastic front cover and bezel, design relates through the virtual world and the audience with drastically reduced thickness in 40", 46" and 55" products. The whole metal frame holding the glass front enhances the design quality with precise connection details of different materials.

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